For this project, I had to think of a healthcare related product to then pitch to a healthcare company. In return, they gave feedback and then at the end of the trimester, they saw all the designs I created that relates to the product.
My speculative design product that I came up with is a chip that would go into your shoes and be able to move to different pairs of shoes. The idea with the Foot Fitness chip is that it has the ability to count the steps you take better than a fitness watch. It also can map out how you are walking/running to help people correct their form. The chip would be able to send alerts to the mobile application on your phone so that you would know how you are doing with your form. You can check the app as well to see how many steps you have taken in the day.
This product could be used by casual walkers that like to count their steps in a day without always having to think about moving their arms like with a fitness watch. The product could also be used by serious athletes that are trying to correct their form. People who are trying to better themselves could benefit from such a product like this.

Concept One: I used a topographic background to help show what the product does within the package design

Concept Two: After using the topographic map, I decided to try something differ but within my same idea. I thought of using curved lines to help show the mapping of the foot that the product can do. Just a different way of conveying the same idea as concept one.

This is a mockup of how the interface of the mobile application would look. I wanted to use the dark UI with the contrasting bright brand colors in the application design.
From sketch book sketching to computer made sketches that helped me get to my final solutions.